Flute Studio
Welcome enquiries for trial lesson
Contact: (+852) 5975 1898
Email: marcoleung.flute@gmail.com
Online lessons are provided along with traditional f2f option. Welcome any enquiries!
Marco 梁俊彥 - 香港旅英長笛老師
以全額獎學金修讀長笛演奏學士、碩士及藝術家文憑課程 Awarded with full scholarship in Bachelor, Master and Artist Diploma in Flute Performance
英國皇家音樂學院 Royal College of Music
藝術家文憑 Artist Diploma (學院最高修課課程資歷)
音樂碩士 (優等) MMus (Distinction)
香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
文學士 - 音樂 (一等榮譽) BA in Music (First-Class)
Trinity College London LTCL in Flute Recital
多項國際比賽及獎學金得獎者 Multiple international competition and scholarship winners
當中包括 incl. RC Lee Centenary Scholarship, Jockey Club Scholarship, Benard van Zuiden Music Prize, Yamaha Music Scholarship in Asia etc.
Marco 梁俊彥 - 香港旅英長笛老師
以全額獎學金修讀長笛演奏學士、碩士及藝術家文憑課程 Awarded with full scholarship in Bachelor, Master and Artist Diploma in Flute Performance
英國皇家音樂學院 Royal College of Music
藝術家文憑 Artist Diploma (學院最高修課課程資歷)
音樂碩士 (優等) MMus (Distinction)
香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
文學士 - 音樂 (一等榮譽) BA in Music (First-Class)
Trinity College London LTCL in Flute Recital
多項國際比賽及獎學金得獎者 Multiple international competition and scholarship winners
當中包括 incl. RC Lee Centenary Scholarship, Jockey Club Scholarship, Benard van Zuiden Music Prize, Yamaha Music Scholarship in Asia etc.
Professional Flute Course
Suitable for beginners to diploma students. Marco is happy to prepare students for exams, competitions or concerts when necessary. Adult students are also welcome!
Develop a critical mindset through music learning
Focus on fundamental techniques and posture to develop the optimal strategy in music playing
In-depth discussion and analysis to achieve the correct musical style of different pieces
Ultimate goal is to assist students in finding your own musical voice!
In 2023/24 academic year, Marco will be serving for the following institutions:
The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Chung Chi Wind Orchestra Assistant Conductor
The University of Hong Kong - Performance Study Instrument Workshop Flute Instructor
The Education University of Hong Kong - Western Chamber Ensemble Coach
Caritas Institute of Higher Education - Flute Tutor
La Salle College - Wind Orchestra Conductor
King's College - Wind Band Conductor
Good Hope School - Wind Quintet & Flute Quartet Coach
La Salle Primary School - Flute Tutor
St. Stephen's College Preparatory School - Flute Tutor
C.C.C Kei Wan Primary School (Aldrich Bay) - Flute Tutor
更認識 Know More about Marco Sir
出生於香港的長笛演奏家及樂團指揮梁俊彥是利銘澤百年紀念獎學金及香港賽馬會獎學金得獎者。他最近畢業於英國皇家音樂學院 (Royal College of Music),並獲取音樂碩士學位(優等成績)和藝術家文憑,師承倫敦各大樂團長笛家學習長笛、短笛及巴洛克長笛,包括Sue Thomas、Katie Bedford、Emer McDonough、Kathleen Stevenson、Stewart McIlwham及Rachel Brown。梁氏在香港從小跟隨莊雪華女士學習長笛及短笛,隨後獲取香港中文大學文學學士音樂課程學位,並以一等榮譽成績畢業。梁氏過去曾參與多個國際藝術家的大師班,當中包括Matthieu Dufour、Emily Beynon、Adam Walker、Juliette Hurel等等。
梁氏熱衷於樂團演奏,他曾擔任多個倫敦及香港樂團的首席長笛,最近曾為香港歌劇院管弦樂團和香港創樂團客席樂師。他於17歲首次與香港兒童交響樂團演奏協奏曲,並於大學時與香港中文大學崇基管弦樂團合作。他曾與不同指揮合作,當中包括Sir Antonio Pappano、Jac van Steen、John Rutter等等。
除此以外,梁氏亦是樂團指揮,他曾跟隨蔡浩文先生學習以及參與英國皇家北方音樂學院指揮大師班和WMC國際指揮大師班。近年,梁氏並於近年曾指揮香港青年管樂合奏團、香港中文大學學生樂團、喇沙書院舊生管樂團和替Pro Arte Orchestra of Hong Kong作綵排。
梁氏現常駐於香港,並活躍於以音樂教育培育下一代。梁氏現為香港中文大學崇基管樂團助理指揮以及喇沙書院和英皇書院管樂團指揮。他亦於香港大學、香港教育大學、明愛專上學院、德望學校、喇沙小學、聖士提反書院附屬小學、中華基督教會基灣小學(愛蝶灣)等為學生作室內樂和長笛訓練,同時正與The Arc和Giocoso Trio計劃未來在香港的公開表演。
Hong Kong-born flautist and conductor Chun Yin Marco Leung is a scholar of the prestigious R C Lee Centenary Scholarship and Jockey Club Scholarship. He recently graduated from the Royal College of Music, London with Artist Diploma in Performance and Master of Music in Performance with Distinction under the tutelage of Sue Thomas, Katie Bedford, Emer McDonough, Kathleen Stevenson, Stewart McIlwham and Rachel Brown in flute, piccolo and baroque flute. He first started studying flute with Chuang Suet Wah Ivy and was awarded his Bachelor of Arts in Music with first-class honour at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Since then, he has received guidance with artists notably including Matthieu Dufour, Emily Beynon, Adam Walker, Juliette Hurel and many others.
As a keen orchestral player and soloist, Marco has held principal positions in orchestras across London and Hong Kong. He has recently been guest player with Opera Hong Kong
Orchestra and Hong Kong New Music Ensemble. He made his concerto debut with the Hong Kong Children’s Symphony Orchestra at the age of 17 and with Chung Chi Orchestra (The Chinese university of Hong Kong) during his studies. He has worked under the baton of Sir Antonio Pappano, Jac van Steen, John Rutter among others.
Marco has made appearance in international stages. He has been awarded multiple prizes in competitions, awards and scholarships. Marco has performed in various venues in United Kingdom, Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Japan and Hong Kong, including Gläserner Saal at Musikverein, Kleine Zaal at Concertgebouw and Victoria and Albert Museum.
Besides, Marco also works as an orchestral conductor. He has received guidance in conducting from Choi Ho Man and has attended RNCM Conducting Masterclass and WMC International Conducting Masterclass. In recent years, Marco has conducted Hong Kong Youth Windophilics, CUHK Student Orchestra, La Salle College Old Boys Wind Orchestra and covered rehearsal for Pro Arte Orchestra of Hong Kong.
Currently based in Hong Kong, Marco is passionate about being an educator in sharing the joy of music playing to the next generation. He is currently serving as assistant conductor of Chung Chi Wind Orchestra of the Chinese University of Hong Kong as well as band conductor at La Salle College and King’s College. He is also serving as chamber coach and flute tutor in various local institutions, including The University of Hong Kong, The Educational University of Hong Kong, Caritas Institute of Higher Education, Good Hope School, La Salle Primary School, St Stephen’s College Preparatory School and C.C.C Kei Wan Primary School (Aldrich Bay). Upcoming performance highlights include appearances at Macau International Music Festival and a recital with Japanese pianist Kumi Matsuo in Hong Kong.